2020 has been a wild ride so far. COVID 19, a mysterious virus surfaces and forces the World into ‘shelter in place’. Since the lock down began we have gone through many different experiences. One of which is the change in volumes on the road.
At first we experienced open roads. Essential employees witnessed a barren landscape of asphalt and pavement. The road was ours. Some would respect the rules as usual, others would not. As the lock down continues some drivers might take more liberties than they normally would. “It’s okay. No one is around.”
Fast forward to now. Here, in the US, there is a mixed response to opening. Some states are opening in phases. Some citizens are taking matters into their own hands. No matter where you stand on this matter one thing is for certain.
Starting May 15th there are many more people on the road. No more open roads to do what you want. People, who have been shored up for months, are now out on the road. The world is waking up and we need to be respectful of the rules and of others.
Here are some driving statistics during COVID 19. Teletrac provides a fleet software with telematic capabilities…. yada yada yada. C&P Fleet Services has no affiliation with Teletrac Navman.
How much will these statistics change with the rise of volume on our roads? The next few months of data will show us. Let us embrace our new freedom with respect for roads but most importantly, respect for each other. We are all in this together. Always Forward
We all know and see those big rigs driving down the highway. You have to wonder where they’ve been, and when’s the last time they were home, how many times a day they get little kids doing the “pull your horn” arm motion and if it actually makes them smile and/or just annoys them…No? Just me? Not going to lie, I definitely encourage my own kids to do it!
Well, I would have to think that after driving day after day and night after night, they would have a pretty amazing playlist or some awesome podcasts to recommend. On a recent trip, I found myself struggling on the long drive and my mind was racing a million different ways. So I put on my playlist and realized that it was seriously slacking. When I saw an 18-wheeler pull up beside me, I saw this man jamming out and said to myself, “Self, let’s make us a trucker playlist”. Boom , that ‘s exactly what I did and I had to share them so you never experience a dull ride again 🙂 . This will FOR SURE keep your spirits high and energy up for any ride that comes your way. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
We all know this is not only the State of Alabama’s anthem, it’s one the greatest jams of all time. We can all recognize this classic by that first guitar verse.
Let’s also not forget the unforgettable:
Simple Man- Lynyrd Skynyrd
Life Is A Highway- Rascal Flatts
Free Fallin – Tom Petty
I’m a Ramblin Man- Waylon Jennings
Mammas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To be Cowboys- Waylon Jennings
I mean if this isn’t on your playlist, you clearly never lived. Every single person has heard of at least one of these epic songs and that speaks volumes on their influence.
I don’t know about you all but I feel like these guys came out of nowhere and all of sudden they made this remix featuring Nelly. Talk about a song to play on repeat. These guys nailed it!
I hope to have prevented you from having another dull ride on the road. To be honest, even if you are not a truck driver, you would love this playlist. Nothing better than mixing a little old school tunes with a little new age ones!
So to sum this up, say it with me….Take me down to the paradise city and cruise…Truck yeah! Boom